"Why Linen!?" I hear you say...

"Why Linen!?" I hear you say...

In my late teens and early 20's I used to joke with my mum and tell her that the summer was starting and she would soon have to look out her wide leg white linen drawstring trousers that the majority of women over 40 seem to flock to when the weather gets good (ish). She would roll her eyes but like clockwork they would find their way into her everyday outfit. 
HOWEVER! 10-15 years on I now get it!
Yes it could be that I am maturing in my old age and I am now a wife and mother but man, the more I learn about linen the more I love it.
Which is the reason why my collection (coming soon I promise) heavily features this hero fabric.
This is what I know about linen so far...
  • In general it is classed as a sustainable fabric. Due to where the crop grows (see below for more info on this) there is a natural rainfall sufficient enough to feed the crop.
  • It requires little or no fertilisers
  • If you compared the same shirt, 1 made from linen and 1 made from cotton, the linen one would use up 6.5ltrs of water vs 26ltrs for the cotton one during its life cycle.
  • It is extremely breathable which means it lets go of any moisture from your body - no dodgy smells and requires less cleaning. Some people argue that because of this it is hypo-allergenic. 
  • Softens over time.
  • For bio-degrading in landfill it can take from as little as 2 weeks to 2 months.
It starts off as a pretty blue flower called Linum usitatissimum. 


This plant thrives in weather most like western Europe. In fact flax was once grown throughout the UK many moons ago.


After around 90-100 days the plant starts to turn brown which is an indication that it is ready to harvest. The pants are then ripped from the ground, the main aim to keep the stem as long as possible - longer stems make longer fibers = nicer fabric.

They are then "rippled" by passing thorough huge combs to remove the seeds.

Next they are 'retted' which is the process of removing the outer bark from the stem to reveal the inner fibres. This is done by either water or chemicals (to speed up the process). 

After this they are dried out and eventually the long string like inners are spun into yarn. 


I hope I have not bored you but given you a brief insight into why more people are starting to use linen more for their collections, I for one have not had my linen Baillie fit trousers off since I made them!


speak soon x


Photo Credit:

Hanging Linen - Sylvie Tittel

Flax - Sora Sagano

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1 comment

Cannot wait to see, try & buy your new clothes line. I am like your lovely mother & love my linen trousers in the summer.

Janice Thomson

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